Collection: Special Offers

We sell many products through this site, on eBay, and Amazon. Since solar power is not widely understood, we experience a number of returns. Some customers expect the products to run 24/7, mistakenly thinking the panels store power. The term "Max. Head" has also confused many people who attempt to run a waterfall too high—please call us if you are confused by this term. Others try to force the large pumps we sell into small containers for their water features such as a status.

We receive some products back unused and a few that have been possibly tested out for a few hours to a couple of days and may be a little grubby. The offers here are all tested and warranted for a year, well beyond Amazon's 30-day return window, and we are available nearly every day of the year to take calls. Amazon does not allow most direct customer calls and actually deletes contact details if you include them in any message.  You may get a new product or a slightly used.