How to Apply Aquaplancton

How Much To Apply

We welcome calls from pond and lake owners and as we may need to ask a few questions to understand why you may be getting algae we are may well discover some other things you can do to alleviate this annoying problem. Please call 855-723-3564 or check our contact page for email options.

Calculate the area of water to be treated. Depth is not important. You will need about one pound for every 10 square feet of water area to be treated. We suggest you order 1/4 more than this as a second “boost” dose may be needed 4-6 weeks after the first. For a pond 6 feet by 7 that’s 42 square feet and would need just over four pounds. A pond 10 feet by 9 feet comes to 90 square feet and would need around 9 pounds. Most people find the two doses are enough to keep a pond clear of algae all season but should algae come back later on just add a small dose just 1/10th of the initial dose and this should again clear the pond. Please try this calculator to estimate how much you will need.


Dosage is not crucial. AQUAPLANCTON is not a harmful substance so you cannot overdose the pond. Depth of water or gallon capacity is not as important as surface area.

AQUAPLANCTON is active on the bottom of the pond, so try to achieve a thin layer over the surface of the bottom. Ponds with gently sloping sides or shelves may also be treated in this way.

Pumps can be left on to mix the AQUAPLANCTON well in, but if it is possible to switch them off for a little while, without affecting the oxygen levels for the fish, this will give the AQUAPLANCTON time to settle to the bottom and start its valuable work.

Any AQUAPLANCTON that ends up on rocks should be brushed or washed off with pond water.


Ponds can be treated at any time of year, AQUAPLANCTON even works well in winter.

Typically treatment starts with a dose of one pound for every ten square feet. If progress is slow due to a very bad case of algae you may need a second “boost” dose of AQUAPLANCTON 1/4 of the initial dose. That should be enough for the season but if the algae comes back a very small dose 1/10 th of the original may be sufficient to return clarity to your pond. Larger ponds and lakes are a lot more stable than small ponds and may need less treatments.

AQUAPLANCTON is active in the water for at least a year. The activity doesn’t suddenly stop, but it does begin to slow.

What to Expect After Applying AQUAPLANCTON

A milky or pale green appearance in the water is perfectly normal and disappears when the AP settles. Your fish may lie low on the bottom for the first week – 10 days, but don’t worry, they will be perfectly all right. After 5 – 10 days the AP should have settled to the bottom and the process of eliminating your algae problem will be well underway.

Results vary greatly from pond to pond. When you use AQUAPLANCTON you are working with nature, so you have to be prepared for things to happen at nature’s pace. In some cases results can be seen in a few days but it may take a few weeks.