Powerful 600W Floating Solar Lake Aerator

We are delighted to launch an updated version of our solar lake aerator designed for lakes that have no electrical supply. Lakes need aeration. Unless there is an abundant source of fresh water from a stream or spring lakes can become stagnant. Aeration helps break down the often-toxic buildup of sediment that accumulates over the years from leaves, twigs, runoff, and fish “output”. This sediment/muck/sludge is a source of nutrition for invasive plants and algae. Aeration combined with one or more of our Microbe-Lift natural lake treatment products combine to form an effective remedy to reduce this build up and freshen the water with an abundant supply of air.

To the right is a demonstration this pump kit with an early version of the product. It has since been through a number of improvements. 

This video of the pump in a lake was kindly sent to us by a great guy who calls himself “AD”. He installed this pump kit in his Athens Alabama 1/2 acre lake back in May 2022. and it has been running ever since. You can see from the video a brief glimpse of the panels which he has designed stands for. His kit used four 140W solar panels but the latest version available in late February. The new kit has the solar pump with a built in controller 1000 feet of cable a water proof on/off switch two 300W solar panels. There is nothing else needed except panel stands and sunshine. The introductory price including shipping $1,495. The list price is $1,795. Please call us for any questions or to place an order – 760-716-5542 or click this link for more details and to order: