Pond Algae Control

If your pond is over 25,000 gallons or over 800 square feet please click here to check out our lake algae solutions.
AQUAPLANCTON an all natural algae control product has been selling in Europe for 25 years. We have been selling it in the USA for over ten years with thousands of happy customers with many repeating this treatment annually. AQUAPLANCTON works best in ponds that have some sediment at the bottom. Cleaning out a pond may give you a honeymoon period of a month or so of clear water and then in most cases algae will attack. Algae loves a new or a recently cleaned out pond because these ponds have little or no friendly bacteria to combat algae. If your pond is new or recently cleaned out we please click here to see our Microbe-Lift “combo” a two product natual solution.
To buy AQUAPLANCTON please click here.
Not sure what your pond needs please call/text 760-716-5542 or email support@mynaturalpond.com a short description of your pond and the problem you have. We are in California and if you get our VM we will get back to you normally in a few hours.