John Garner

My fish are healthy and happy
Success!!! After having an ongoing problem with the water condition in my garden pond I now have crystal clear water, the water lilies are blooming and my fish are healthy and happy. I used the Aquaplancton as directed and after about 4-5 weeks all is well. Thank you for such a great product.
Linda | Pleasant Valley, MO
My Pond Looks Fantastic
Just a quick note to let you know my pond looks FANTASTIC! What a difference! The water is shimmering and clear. In fact, we just ordered a picnic table so we can sit beside it. Many thanks to you for your great products. They really work.
We can see the pond life clearly
We only have a small pond – but the difference now is quite fantastic. The water previously was murky and covered with weed – (Duckweed). This has now disappeared and the water is clear and we can see the pond life clearly. Again many thanks.
J. Hawker
A product that does everything that you state!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for a product that does everything that you state. Our pond is as clear as a babbling brook, in fact we have had no problems since we started to use Aquaplancton, which is about 5 years now. So thank you very much and yes you can use this letter in your advert if you wish.
G. Stokes
Delighted with the results!
Last summer I used 19 bags of Aquaplancton on my quarter acre lake. The blanket weed was solid across the whole surface of the water. I thought the trout would suffer from lack of oxygen. Not a bit of it, they thrived better than ever before and ate their trout pellets voraciously. As the remains of the weed turned black, I fished out as much as I could and by October the water was gin clear. At this moment the lake is in excellent condition. I am delighted with the results. This after years of despair! I have no objection to your giving my name to any prospective customer.
Judge Charles Pitchford
A great job on our customers
So your product did a great job on our customers Water feature/KOI pond. It took about three weeks to clear it up. We are going to use this product with all of our customers. Everything else we tried never made a dent in the problem.
Nick B, Tranquil Oasis Landscapes
A very successful project
For the record your product has worked wonders on our small pond. For the first time in eight years we can actually see into the pond – right to the bottom. The plants, fish and frogs are all thriving and yesterday we saw our first newt!! All this in one year. A very successful product. Thank you.
M. Greene
Fish have grown faster
To report triumph again – Not one strand of Blanket weed – Water absolutely gin clear and fish have grown faster than ever before and are extremely well and cheerful.
The result was nothing short of miraculous!
The first treatment was added to my pools about six weeks ago and already I can perceive a definite improvement. I also added a hefty dose to my growing-on pond and the result was nothing short of miraculous, all the sludge having disappeared who knows where? Even the heavy ‘matting’ which usually coats the filter brushes appears to have reduced by about 50%, so I have high hopes that the amount of ‘sludge’ which has to be vacuumed out each week will also be reduced by a like amount. An initial colouring of the water quickly disappeared and is apparently quite normal.
J Cuvelier
Happiest koi in the world
or the past three summers we have dreaded having a fish pond, a murky,algae-filled cesspool. We have tried many different recommended solutions to the algae problem. None of them worked and only killed the pretty moss on the fountain. Skeptically, we took your advise and purchased your product. For a week it looked like glacier water, but miraculously it cleared up to reveal the happiest koi in the world and it did not kill the new moss. We now love the backyard pond and we worship you like Poseidon, the god of the sea. Much thanks